Isocyanate Training


Products containing isocyanates have long been subject to restriction under REACH regulation (EU & UK) due to their potential to impact on human health especially for those with breathing problems such as asthma.

More recently, having restricted sale to Professional and Industrial users, the regulators mandated that from February 2022 packaging of isocyanate containing products should carry a warning “As from24 August 2023 adequate training is required before industrial or professional use”.

Whilst EU 2020/1149 described the “what” of this training it did not adequately identify the “how”. In response the manufacturers of expanding foams, waterproofing systems and adhesives turned to their industry association and have developed a suite of e-learning available at 

Persons intending to continue working with isocyanate containing substances are urged to derive suitable training from the web site ranging from general awareness through roller/brush/spray application. The web site contains a handy training selector by product type and usage method 

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